About Us

We bring advanced online marketing from
the major cities to local businesses right here

Our Mission

To find new customers for our local business partners using the best and latest online marketing techniques. We believe that sharing our expertise openly and widely is our path to growth, that all marketing investments should measurably prove their returns, and that small dedicated companies stand to benefit the most from the new media landscape.

Our Vision

To become the go-to online marketing firm for growing local businesses in the Midwest. We foresee an era with fewer lifetime employees and more entrepreneurs who can connect with the people they serve.

Who is Get Found Madison?

Eagan Heath

Founder, SEO, Google AdWords and Analytics Expert

I started Get Found Madison because I saw how even small businesses can grow by embracing modern online marketing techniques
and analytics. I believe strongly in entrepreneurship and the good it can do for the world. My goal is to help other entrepreneurs grow
and improve their businesses with creativity and logic.
As an INTJ personality type, I read and learn obsessively, and search engine marketing has been a focus of my research for the last
three years. I bring my experience from five years in project management and implementation consulting at Epic to the hundreds of
tasks in each SEO campaign. Every item on the checklist gets done and all…..

Caroline Wahlen

Project Manager

My degree in Life Sciences Communication from UW-Madison has kickstarted my interest in the world of digital marketing and
communication where I am striving to grow my knowledge in SEO, SEM, and website analytics. At Get Found Madison, I have the
opportunity to work in these areas and also oversee projects as they progress.
I interned for another startup company in Madison and was inspired to continue in the startup world where everyone takes turns
‘driving the bus’.
On weekends you can find me hiking, playing the piano, ukulele, and spending time with my friends and family.

Chris Østergaard

Digital Marketer

I recently moved to Madison after graduating from the Copenhagen Business School with a Masters degree in Creative Business
Management. This degree had a strong focus on marketing, big data and understanding user behavior. I elected to further my marketing
knowledge and minored in neuro-marketing, where I learned how marketers can make use of a target’s non-conscious to encourage
them to behave in a specific way. This is an area that I would very much like to develop and put into practice.
My previous experience focused primarily on social media marketing, SEO, project management and email marketing. I am extremely
interested in developing my skills in email automation and SEO for the benefit of our clients…….

Jack Feldman

Digital Marketer – Search Marketing Specialist

As a digital marketer and search marketing specialist, I get to take both a creative and scientific approach to my work. From
brainstorming ad copy to testing for what gets results, I am always engaged by this constantly evolving industry.

I love learning every day and using that knowledge in practice to help clients achieve the results they need. I am excited to keep honing
my skills in SEO, YouTube ads, Google display, search, and shopping ads.

Being a member of a dynamic team that encourages everyone to take on new projects and challenges is an extremely rewarding

Mike Wenzel

Web Design Specialist & Digital Marketer

My goal when working with clients is to help them achieve their goals and dreams. If I can be part of that process of doing something
truly remarkable for a client and their business, I’m happy. Digital marketing has the vast potential to do just that and that aspect is
what drew me to the field, as well as Get Found Madison.

My background started in graphic design, game design, and brand design. Through my previous positions, I was exposed to the
wonderful world of marketing and realized I needed to make a career change. I knew I could do much more for clients and help them
achieve their goals if I developed my skills in digital marketing and Web Design and here we are today. I’m looking….

Ready to get more traffic, leads, and sales by working with proven SEO experts?

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