Category: Google Analytics


The Role of Google Analytics 4 in SEO Strategy and Measurement

Imagine navigating the high seas of digital marketing without a compass. That’s where Google Analytics 4 (GA4) steps in, acting as your guiding star in ...
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GA4: How to Make the Switch to the New Google Analytics 4

You can find the full analytics and conversion tracking course here. Reach out if you’d like help setting up your GA4, conversion tracking and dashboard!
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Google Analytics

How to track your campaigns correctly using UTM parameters and Google Analytics channel groupings

That’s nice that Google Analytics has all this info about our website traffic, but how do we see whether our campaigns are truly effective? Well, ...
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Use Your Web Analytics to Measure Your Marketing and Bring Visitors Back

Note: Here’s a video covering the same material as this article, in case reading detailed posts isn’t your cup of tea. How Should I Be ...
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How a local business can track AdWords conversions

You shouldn’t spend money on digital marketing unless you have the proper analytics set up to measure the results. But what if customers aren’t buying ...
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Google Analytics: What to look for in your website reports

From the business owner’s perspective, Google Analytics is in the category of incredible stuff that’s free. By placing a short snippet of code on your ...
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