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Using AI for SEO

January 4th, 2024 Posted by Local SEO 0 comments on “Using AI for SEO”

Dive deep into the world of AI-enhanced SEO strategies. This blog post explores how agencies can use AI to understand client needs, automate processes, and drive better results.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, SEO agencies are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their strategies and deliver more value to clients. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI). This isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer in understanding and catering to user intent, automating mundane tasks, and crunching data to inform smarter strategies. So, buckle up as we explore how your agency can leverage AI to drive unparalleled client results.

Understanding the AI Revolution in SEO

Before we dive into the tools and tactics, let’s get a lay of the land. AI in SEO is all about smarter, not harder, strategies. It involves using machine learning, natural language processing, and other sophisticated tech to improve every aspect of SEO from keyword research to content optimization and technical audits.

AI Tools to Revolutionize Your SEO Game

  1. MarketMuse: This content optimization tool uses AI to analyze your content and compare it to the leaders in your topic area. It provides insights on how to improve your content to rank better for your desired keywords.
  2. BrightEdge: Armed with AI, BrightEdge transforms online content into tangible business results, such as traffic, engagement, and revenue. It offers real-time measurement of content performance and insights into how to optimize it.
  3. SEMrush: While primarily known as a complete SEO toolkit, SEMrush also offers AI-driven features like traffic analytics, market explorer, and content recommendations, making it a powerful ally for any SEO agency.
  4. Ahrefs: Known for its robust backlink analysis tool, Ahrefs also incorporates AI in predicting site rankings and understanding keyword difficulty, helping you prioritize your SEO efforts effectively.

Leveraging AI for Enhanced Keyword Research and Content Strategies

AI isn’t just for analyzing data; it’s for creating it too. Tools like Clearscope and Frase use AI to assist with keyword research and to understand what kind of content ranks well for those keywords. They can even help you create content briefs that align with search intent, making your content more likely to rank and resonate with users.

Automating SEO Tasks with AI

Let’s face it; SEO can be repetitive. AI comes to the rescue by automating tasks like site audits, backlink monitoring, and even some aspects of reporting. Tools like DeepCrawl and Screaming Frog offer AI-enhanced capabilities to automate and enhance these tasks, freeing up your team’s time to focus on strategy and creative problem-solving.

Navigating the Challenges and Ethical Considerations

With great power comes great responsibility. While leveraging AI can significantly enhance your SEO strategies, it’s crucial to stay informed about the ethical considerations, such as data privacy and the potential for AI to create misleading or low-quality content. Always aim for a balance between AI-powered efficiency and human creativity and oversight.

Enhancing SEO Blogging with AI Tools

SEO blogging is all about creating content that is not only valuable and engaging to readers but also optimized for search engines. The aim is to rank higher in search results, drive traffic, and establish authority in your niche. Here’s how AI tools come into play:

Surfer SEO: Optimizing Content for Higher Rankings

Surfer SEO is a tool designed to help you understand exactly what Google considers important within your niche. How does it do this?

Content Editor: Surfer provides a real-time content editor that grades your content against what’s currently ranking, suggesting the optimal number of words, headings, images, and even the frequency of specific words and phrases.

SERP Analyzer: This feature allows you to dissect the top pages in your target keywords’ search results, understanding what helps them rank where they do. You can then replicate successful structures and strategies in your own content.

Keyword Research: Surfer SEO helps identify not just primary keywords but also questions and related terms that can enhance your content’s relevance and breadth.

Jasper: Revolutionizing Content Creation

Jasper (formerly Jarvis) is an AI writing assistant that aids in creating compelling content. Here are some ways Jasper shakes things up:

Template-Based Writing: Jasper offers numerous templates for blog posts, social media updates, and more. You can generate high-quality drafts based on these structures and then personalize them.

Long-Form Assistant: For more extensive content pieces, Jasper’s Long-Form Assistant can help you break down the writing process into more manageable chunks, ensuring your content stays coherent and engaging.

Creativity on Demand: Stuck on a headline or looking for a catchy introduction? Jasper can generate multiple options, giving you a creative boost when you need it.

Getting the Most Out of ChatGPT for Blogging

When it comes to blogging, ChatGPT can be a secret weapon. Here’s how you can leverage it:

Idea Generation: Struggling with writer’s block? Ask ChatGPT to suggest blog topics, titles, or even outlines.

Drafting Posts: Provide a brief, and ChatGPT can create a draft for your blog post, which you can then refine and personalize.

Interactive Content: Consider using ChatGPT to create interactive content like quizzes or FAQs that can engage your readers more deeply.

Accelerating SEO Link Building with AI

Link building is crucial for SEO but can be incredibly time-consuming. Here’s how AI is changing the game:

Prospect Identification: AI tools can quickly analyze large datasets to identify potential link-building opportunities, such as sites that have linked to similar content or that rank well for related keywords.

Automated Outreach: Tools like Buzzstream or NinjaOutreach can automate much of the outreach process, from finding contact information to sending personalized emails.

Monitoring and Analysis: AI can help monitor your backlink profile, alerting you to any changes and helping analyze the effectiveness of your link-building efforts.

Conclusion: Embracing AI in SEO Strategies

Incorporating AI into your SEO and blogging strategies isn’t just about staying ahead of the curve; it’s about making the most of your time and resources.

Tools like Surfer SEO and Jasper can significantly enhance content creation, while ChatGPT can assist with everything from drafting posts to generating ideas.

Meanwhile, AI’s role in streamlining link building allows you to focus on strategy and relationships rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae. By leveraging these tools and techniques, agencies and bloggers can drive better results, more efficiently and effectively.

AI is not just a futuristic concept; it’s a present-day tool that can significantly enhance your SEO strategies. By understanding and integrating AI tools and techniques, agencies can offer smarter, more effective, and efficient SEO services. Whether it’s through enhanced content strategies, smarter keyword research, or automation of mundane tasks, AI is ready to help you drive better client results.

Embrace the change, invest in learning and integrating these AI tools, and watch as you set new benchmarks in your SEO success!

The Role of Google Analytics 4 in SEO Strategy and Measurement

December 19th, 2023 Posted by Google Analytics, SEO 0 comments on “The Role of Google Analytics 4 in SEO Strategy and Measurement”

Imagine navigating the high seas of digital marketing without a compass.

That’s where Google Analytics 4 (GA4) steps in, acting as your guiding star in the vast universe of SEO.

With its ability to unravel the intricacies of website traffic and user behavior, the role of Google Analytics 4 in SEO is akin to having a seasoned navigator at the helm of your digital strategy.

In this journey, we’ll discover how this powerful tool not only illuminates the path to enhanced visibility but also charts a course toward measurable success in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

Introduction to Google Analytics 4 and SEO

Brief Overview of Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4, the latest evolution in web analytics, offers a new way of understanding your website’s traffic.

With a focus on user-centric data and cross-platform tracking, GA4 provides a comprehensive view of the customer journey.

This tool is not just about counting visitors; it’s about understanding their experiences and interactions across your website and apps.

Imagine gaining insights into each user’s journey in a more integrated and intuitive way – that’s the power of GA4!

Event-Based Data Model: GA4’s shift to an event-based model allows for a more nuanced view of user interactions.

Each user interaction is captured as an event, providing a more detailed and holistic story of how users engage with your site. This depth of data is crucial for developing more effective SEO strategies.

Flexible and Customizable Reporting: GA4 offers enhanced report customization, adapting to the unique needs of your site.

With GA4, you can tailor reports using a wide range of dimensions and metrics, giving you the flexibility to focus on the data that matters most to your SEO efforts.

Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing

In the digital marketing universe, SEO is the sun around which all other strategies orbit. It’s the art and science of making your website attractive to search engines, and by extension, to your audience. Without SEO, your site is like a billboard in the desert – rarely seen and easily forgotten.

Visibility and Ranking: Climbing the search engine ladder.

SEO is your ticket to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s about making your site the first thing people see when they search for your products or services.

User Experience Optimization: Happy visitors make happy customers.

SEO is not just about pleasing search engines. It’s about providing a seamless and enjoyable experience for your visitors. The better the user experience, the higher the chances of conversion.

Check out our podcast episode on effective SEO blogging for eCommerce.

Setting Up Google Analytics for SEO

Setting up Google Analytics 4 is like installing an advanced analytics suite for your website.

GA4’s setup process is streamlined and user-friendly, making it accessible for both beginners and seasoned marketers.

Defining and Setting Up Events in Google Analytics 4 for SEO Tracking

In GA4 events are providing flexibility in tracking conversions and user interactions.

Configuring Events for Key Interactions: Customize events to track specific user actions that are important for your SEO strategy.

Define and configure events that align with your key objectives, such as page views, form submissions, or e-commerce transactions.

Analyzing Event Data for SEO Insights: Use event data to gain a deeper understanding of how users interact with your site.

Regularly analyze your event data to understand user behavior patterns and adjust your SEO strategies accordingly.

Analyzing Traffic Sources

Picture your website as a bustling city airport.

Each visitor is a flight arriving from different parts of the world – or in this case, the internet.

GA4 lets you be the air traffic controller, giving you a bird’s-eye view of where these ‘flights’ originate.

This is where analyzing traffic sources becomes pivotal.

Each channel is like a different genre of story, telling you how visitors found your website.

Was it through the organic search ‘novel’, the social media ‘short story’, or the direct traffic ‘autobiography’?

Understanding these channels helps tailor your SEO and marketing strategies.

Google Analytics 4 Traffic Channel Groups

Each of these sources provides insights into different aspects of your online presence and helps tailor your SEO and marketing strategies accordingly.

We’ll explain why some of these are important for SEO:

  • Organic Search: This indicates visitors who found your site via search engines like Google or Bing. High numbers here suggest strong SEO.
  • Direct: Visitors who entered your website URL directly into their browser. This can imply brand awareness or returning visitors.
  • Referral: These are visitors who clicked on a link to your site from another site. It’s useful for understanding which external sites are driving traffic to yours.
  • Social: This shows traffic from social media platforms. It’s useful for gauging the impact of your social media marketing efforts.
  • Email: Visitors who came to your site via an email campaign link.
  • Paid Social: Traffic from paid search campaigns, like Google Ads.

Analyzing Channel Performance and Optimizing Marketing Campaigns

You don’t just want visitors; you want the right kind of visitors – the kind that engage, convert, and return. This is where analyzing channel performance comes in.

Performance Metrics: Bounce rates, session duration, and conversions per channel.

These metrics are like the vital signs of your website’s health.

They tell you which channels bring in the healthiest traffic and which ones need a little ‘medicine’ in the form of optimization.

And how do you tailor your approach to each channel?

It’s not one-size-fits-all. Each channel requires a unique strategy.

Maybe your social media visitors love visuals while your organic search visitors are more content-oriented.

Tailor your content and SEO strategies to suit these preferences.

Understanding the Impact of Keywords on Website Traffic and SEO

Keywords are not just words; they’re the bridges that connect your audience to your website. Understanding their impact is crucial for a robust SEO strategy.

Not all traffic is good traffic.

Just like not every visitor to a store buys something, not every website visitor is valuable. Assess the quality of traffic each keyword brings. Are they staying, engaging, browsing? Or just bouncing off?

Which keywords are your MVPs?

Some keywords are like secret weapons; they bring in visitors who convert.

Identifying these MVP (Most Valuable Player) keywords allows you to focus your efforts on terms that not only bring traffic but also drive conversions.

When it comes to keywords, this is the part where Google Search Console comes in handy. Combining these 2 tools is a must for anyone working with SEO.

Once you do that, you’ll be able to access the Queries report. To find this report select ReportsSearch ConsoleQueries.

GA4 Queries report

Here you can see via which queries users came to your posts.

Content Optimization Strategies

Techniques for Optimizing Website Content Using Google Analytics 4 Data

In the realm of content optimization, GA4 acts as your advanced analytical partner, offering deeper insights into user interactions. With GA4’s focus on event tracking and user engagement, you can fine-tune your content to resonate more effectively with your audience.

Utilize GA4’s event tracking to understand how users interact with your content.

Shift from traditional metrics to a more nuanced view of user engagement, analyzing events like scroll depth, video views, and file downloads to inform your content strategy.

Dive into detailed user behavior analytics with GA4.

GA4 provides a richer understanding of how users interact with your content, allowing for more precise adjustments to enhance user engagement and content effectiveness.

You can find this information in the Pages and screens tab in Engagement.

GA4 Pages and screens report

Analyzing Content Performance

Monitoring and adapting your content based on its performance is critical. Use GA4’s comprehensive analytics to evaluate content effectiveness and make data-driven improvements.

Leverage GA4’s detailed metrics to track content performance.

Beyond page views and time on page, explore more sophisticated metrics such as user engagement rate and conversion events related to specific content pieces.

Utilize GA4’s capabilities for A/B testing and content optimization.

Employ GA4’s analysis to perform A/B testing and make informed adjustments to your content, ensuring it aligns with user preferences and behaviors.

Audience Segmentation and Targeting

In GA4, audience segmentation becomes more dynamic and insightful, allowing for tailored content and marketing strategies.

You can find GA4 audiences under AdminAudiences.

Locating audiences in GA4

Leverage GA4’s ability to segment audiences based on a wide array of parameters, including user behavior, engagement patterns, and demographics, to create more targeted content.

Use GA4’s custom audience builder to create segments that reflect specific user behaviors and preferences, enabling more personalized marketing strategies.

After you’re done segmenting your audience, it’s time to target it and meet their expectations.

With GA4, adapt your content and marketing strategies to meet the unique needs of each audience segment.

Harness the power of GA4’s audience insights to create content that resonates with different segments, ensuring a more engaging and effective user experience.

Utilize GA4’s detailed audience data to inform your marketing campaigns, ensuring that your efforts are focused on the most receptive and relevant audiences.

Learn more about creating and using GA4 audiences.

Advanced Google Analytics 4 Features for SEO

Utilizing Advanced Features like Custom Segments and Multi-Channel Funnels

GA4 is not just a tool; it’s a Swiss Army knife packed with advanced features to elevate your SEO game. Features like custom segments and multi-channel funnels are like having a high-powered microscope to examine the intricacies of your traffic and conversions.

Custom Segments: Tailor your analysis to specific groups of users.

Create segments based on user behavior, demographics, or traffic sources. This allows you to analyze specific groups of your audience in detail, understanding their unique behavior and needs.

Multi-Channel Funnels: Understand the full path to conversion.

This feature is like tracing the full journey of a detective tracking a suspect. It shows you how different marketing channels work together to lead a user to convert, giving you a comprehensive view of your marketing effectiveness.

Integrating Google Analytics 4 with Other Tools for Enhanced SEO Insights

When you combine GA4 with other tools like Google Search Console or CRM software, it’s like forming a superhero team, each member bringing their unique powers to the table.

Google Search Console Integration: Get search-specific insights.

Linking GA4 with Google Search Console provides deeper insights into how your site appears in search results, helping you fine-tune your SEO strategy with precision.

CRM Integration: Connect user behavior with customer data.

By integrating with a CRM, you can connect the dots between website behavior and customer actions, offering invaluable insights into the customer journey from first click to final sale.


As we wrap up our exploration, it’s clear that Google Analytics is not just a tool; it’s a compass, guiding you through the ever-changing landscape of SEO.

It gives you the insights to navigate with confidence, ensuring that your website not only reaches its audience but also resonates with them.

Now it’s time for you to utilize Google Analytics for SEO.

To continue your learning, check out our podcast episode on eCommerce SEO and learn what works now!


Author name: Julian Juenemann

Author bio: Julian started and grew venture-backed startups with his unique ‘data first’ approach to Online Marketing. He then founded to help marketers like him, with the data-driven way of digital marketing.


How to Optimize Videos for YouTube

November 23rd, 2023 Posted by Local SEO 0 comments on “How to Optimize Videos for YouTube”
  • Research keyword phrases for topics using free tools like:
  • Include your main keyword phrase or question at the beginning of your video title.
    • Probably don’t include dates in titles unless you plan to update them later (but you cannot update YouTube videos themselves much once uploaded)
    • Have the person say the title of the video in the first sentence or two, if possible.
  • Plan out your video content around the topics you plan to cover in the video
    • Try to include free tips alongside product recommendations)
    • Consider making longer educational videos in the 5-14 minute range, too.
  • Include a Call to Action (CTA) in the video for people to click the link in the description to check out X product on our site
  • Create a custom thumbnail that jumps out, ideally using
    • someone’s face
    • simple words recapping the title and topic (clickbait style is not necessarily a bad thing to intrigue people to click)
    • nice, bright colors (like green) that stand out on YouTube (see Brian Dean from Backlinko, Neil Patel and Ahrefs for examples)
  • Add (or update the auto-generated) caption files
    • This gives Google a transcript to index for search
  • Add links and recaps in the description.
    • I also recommend adding timestamps starting with 0:00 because Google is going to start jumping people directly to relevant parts of YouTube videos in their search results.
  • Add related keywords in your tags for the video
    • BONUS: Use TubeBuddy or VidIQ to find tag ideas (from competitors) that can help you appear in video recommendations
  • Periodically check your YouTube analytics to see which videos are doing well, how people are finding them, when they’re dropping off, etc.
    • You may also need to clean up or engage with comments you receive.

The Best Online Marketing Resources We’ve Found

November 20th, 2023 Posted by Digital Marketing 0 comments on “The Best Online Marketing Resources We’ve Found”

One of the great things about the internet is how you learn how to use it better by using the internet.


But given how much information there is out there, it can be nice when someone curates it for you and just gives you the best of the best.

Here are the go-to internet marketing resources we’ve used to learn the trade and that we heartily recommend to others. Bookmark this page because we will update it as we find new ones.


Why SMS Text Message Marketing is About to Get Harder (and Maybe Better)

July 25th, 2023 Posted by SMS Marketing 0 comments on “Why SMS Text Message Marketing is About to Get Harder (and Maybe Better)”

We’ve all been getting inundated with spam calls and texts lately, so the major phone service carriers are taking a major step to make it harder to send unwanted messages to our cell phones. The official change is called A2P 10DLC, App-to-Person and 10 Digit Long Code.

This will hopefully be an improvement for consumers.

At the same time, if you send marketing text messages or want to, there will be additional steps. 

Starting July 5, businesses that send text messages using tools like Twilio must now register with The ​Campaign Registry​ or face higher fees and lower deliverability. 

On August 31, messages from unregistered entities will stop being delivered altogether. So this is essentially mandatory if you send texts for your business.  (more…)

GA4: How to Make the Switch to the New Google Analytics 4

May 19th, 2023 Posted by Google Analytics 0 comments on “GA4: How to Make the Switch to the New Google Analytics 4”


You can find the full analytics and conversion tracking course here.

Reach out if you’d like help setting up your GA4, conversion tracking and dashboard!

Are you looking for more senior living residents?

May 8th, 2023 Posted by Assisted Living Marketing 0 comments on “Are you looking for more senior living residents?”

Click here to learn more!



Ready for more sales from your marketing efforts this year?

January 5th, 2023 Posted by Marketing and Sales 0 comments on “Ready for more sales from your marketing efforts this year?”

What’s the fastest way for a small business to grow sales? 

The answer may surprise you.

Improve responsiveness and persistence when following up with leads that come in. 

Here’s what the Harvard Business Review found: 

Firms that tried to contact potential customers within an hour of receiving a query were nearly seven times as likely to qualify the lead…as those that tried to contact the customer even an hour later—and more than 60 times as likely as companies that waited 24 hours or longer.”

How would you like to be 7x times more likely to have a sales conversation with ready buyers? 

How about 60x times? 

And what about following up with leads faster than one hour? 

Well, it turns out it’s really worth setting up systems to follow up as quickly as possible. 

Like 5 minutes quickly. See below.


Note the crazy drop off even between 5-10 minutes: 400%!!

Those are leads you paid to generate through marketing and advertising just going down the drain!

It’s a fast-moving, cold world out there, and your competitors are just a thumb tap away on your prospect’s smartphone.

But is it really possible to get back to leads within 5 measly minutes?!

More on that in a second.

But first, there’s another issue: if you don’t reach leads right away, the key is to keep trying!

Look at this other graph.


If you follow up 6 times, your odds of reaching the lead are 90%. 

Most sales reps give up waaaaaay before that. 

Oh, and 30% of leads are never contacted at all. 


The Bottom Line

Look, I know how it is. I’m a busy ADHD entrepreneur, and if you’re not ready to buy from me right this second, I’m already onto the next thing. 

But here’s the thing: in business, as in romance (I dare say), the trick is to slow down and play the long game.

Pay immediate attention to the people who want to talk to you and be persistent about keeping the conversation going. 

All this is to say: I’m excited to announce that we’re rolling out new services to help you increase your sales from your existing marketing efforts.

  • Dedicated Phone Numbers for Call Tracking 
  • Sales Call Recordings
  • The ability to text leads through SMS
  • Automatic text messages to calls you miss
  • Dedicated Landing Pages for higher conversions rates and better campaign tracking
  • CRM pipeline setup to track lead status through the sale
  • Automated text messages and emails (6+ automatic follow up attempts!) to move leads through your sales pipeline steps
  • Calendar integration so leads can book time directly with your sales team
  • Start text conversations through your website 
  • Text through Google My Business (GMB)


Which of these would help your sales team the most? Let me know!

You can book time with me below to discuss how we can help you generate leads and close more of them into sales. 


Happy New Year!



Sources Cited:


Grow Your Business with Online Marketing (Without Spending a Fortune or Getting Overwhelmed)

August 19th, 2022 Posted by Digital Marketing 0 comments on “Grow Your Business with Online Marketing (Without Spending a Fortune or Getting Overwhelmed)”

Want to grow your business with online marketing without spending a fortune or getting overwhelmed?

Then you’ll want to check out our latest free video training on exactly this topic.


To claim the special offer from this presentation, click here.

Why You MUST Use Custom Landing Pages for Your Campaigns

April 8th, 2021 Posted by Conversion Optimization 0 comments on “Why You MUST Use Custom Landing Pages for Your Campaigns”

I’m going to tell you a secret that changed our business forever and skyrocketed our client’s marketing results.

Are you ready?

Build standalone landing pages for your campaigns.

Sounds simple, right?

Like almost bordering on silly, simple.

Well, let me tell you a quick story.

A case study that proves the point

We used to run Google and Facebook Ads to our client Easton Motors’ website. We thought they had a pretty solid conversion rate in the 3-5% range.

With a 3.33% conversation rate, you need 33 visitors to your page to get a conversion.

With a 5% conversion rate, you need 20 visitors to your page to get a conversion.

So for this client, we needed somewhere between 20-33 visitors to get a conversion, aka a lead for their sales team to sell to.

From what we could see in their Google Analytics and HotJar screen recordings, it looked like a lot of people would hit the site, then browse the vehicle inventory.

But the real goal for this client was to get their website visitors to start the finance application process to see if they qualified for in-house financing. If they didn’t then it didn’t make sense to have them browsing the cars on the site.


What Structured Data markup does for your local SEO

February 10th, 2021 Posted by Local SEO 0 comments on “What Structured Data markup does for your local SEO”

Attractor theme is extremely customizable, fully responsive and HiDPI ready WordPress theme based on a well structured framework which allows you […]

How Much Would You Pay for a Lead? Google Ad Conversion Costs

November 18th, 2020 Posted by Google Ads, Google AdWords 0 comments on “How Much Would You Pay for a Lead? Google Ad Conversion Costs”

A prospect recently asked me what sort of results they can expect if they run Google Ads for their local service business.

What to expect in terms of Google Ads results is a complicated question to answer, because it depends on your:

  • Click-through rate (CTR), which can affect your Cost per click (CPC)
  • Conversion rate %, which affects your Cost per lead or acquisition (Cost / Conversion)
  • Lead close rate, which affects your Cost per sale

So how much is an average sale worth to you in revenue and profit?

If your Cost per sale is lower than your Average Client Profit (over whatever time you determine: one year, five years, ten years, etc.), then you have found a profitable way to grow your company. Congratulations!

You can see why, even if your Google Ad campaign isn’t profitable immediately, it can be worth tweaking and optimizing until it is, because IT’S MAGICAL TO BE ABLE TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS BY JUST BUYING NEW CUSTOMERS!

Should I try Google Ads?

For this reason, it’s best to decide whether or not to try Google Ads and give it a good go for 4-6 months.

I speak and write about this elsewhere, but to recap, there are many good reasons to try search engine advertising:

  • you only pay per click for people searching for what you do
  • you can actually measure the results of your marketing

Neither of these things is strictly true for other forms of marketing. The next closest might be Facebook Ads, where people are hanging out but not searching actively for any products or services.

So What Kind of Results Can I Expect from Google Ads?

Because our agency manages Google Ads for dozens of clients, we can give you rough ballpark estimates based on what our clients see.

But just remember: it’s best to take a testing mentality in order to find a profitable marketing channel that you can later scale up by investing more in ads.

With all that said, here are some numbers I see for other local service business clients in our Google Ads Manager Account from Oct to Nov 17, 2020:

What to make of this data?

The first thing to note is how much the Costs Per Click (CPCs) vary. Google Ads are an auction, so for competitive verticals like Law, we generally see much higher CPCs, even way up in the $9-16 per click range.

Whoa! That’s like running a LinkedIn Ad.

But it can still be worth it. Law clients are worth a lot of money, so paying $103-123 per lead can still be profitable.

Speaking of which, I included conversion rates in these numbers so you can see how much these vary. The higher your conversion rate, the fewer clicks you need per lead.

That reduces your cost per lead, which can ultimately reduce your cost per sale.

One way to improve conversion rates is to create custom landing pages like the one below to send people to. That way the people who click on your ads don’t get distracted by your whole website, they can just opt-in to be contacted.

What Should I Do Next?

  • Determine internally what your acceptable cost per lead and cost per sale is.
  • If paying somewhere in the neighborhood of $50-200 per lead could be profitable to you, I strongly recommend trying Google Ads.
  • Performance could be even better than that, but there’s no way to know unless you try.


Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like us to set up and/or manage your Google and Bing Ad campagins.

Use this email template to ask for Google Reviews

June 17th, 2020 Posted by Google, Local SEO, Reviews, SEO 0 comments on “Use this email template to ask for Google Reviews”
How can you get more Google reviews? It’s simple. You need to make asking for them a consistent part of your business processes
Customer talking about how happy they are with your product or service?
Ask them for a Google review.
Client been working with you for a while now and seeing great results?
Time to ask for that online review.
Done with a job and won’t see the customer again?
Ask them for a Google review!
It’s rare that someone will say no. And if you’re able to follow up with people, asking twice pretty much always does the trick. 

Why Google Reviews Matter

Reviews on your Google My Business page are almost certainly a ranking factor for Local SEO
Plus, social proof is a critical part of your marketing, so you want future prospects to hear from your current happy customers or clients. 
Wisconsin SEO map pack results plumber
Those stars next to your business name help you stand out and make searchers want to click on your listing. Just look at the example above for “plumber verona.” Which of the three would you click if your shower drain was backed up?


How can you get more Google reviews? It’s simple. You need to make asking for them a consistent part of your business processes
Customer talking about how happy they are with your product or service?
Ask them for a Google review.
Client been working with you for a while now and seeing great results?
Time to ask for that online review.
Done with a job and won’t see the customer again?
Ask them for a Google review!
It’s rare that someone will say no. And if you’re able to follow up with people, asking twice pretty much always does the trick. 

Why Google Reviews Matter

Reviews on your Google My Business page are almost certainly a ranking factor for Local SEO
Plus, social proof is a critical part of your marketing, so you want future prospects to hear from your current happy customers or clients. 
Wisconsin SEO map pack results plumber
Those stars next to your business name help you stand out and make searchers want to click on your listing. Just look at the example above for “plumber verona.” Which of the three would you click if your shower drain was backed up?


Tracking Toward a Goal in Google Data Studio

June 11th, 2020 Posted by Google Data Studio 0 comments on “Tracking Toward a Goal in Google Data Studio”

Multiple clients and trainees have asked us how they can use Google Data Studio to track their organization’s progress toward a goal, such as an annual sales goal, traffic goals or the number of leads they received (as measured by Google Analytics goals).

Here’s a way to do it:

(You can take our FREE Google Analytics and Google Data Studio course here.)

  1. Create a scorecard and pull in your comparison metric that’s working toward your goal. (In this example, I’ll use Google Analytics Sessions and say we want to hit 3,000 per month)
  2. Select your Metric, then select “Create Field.” This creates a new metric that you calculate from your comparison metric divided by your set goal. Just make sure you have the right Data source selected such as Google Analytics (which is called Get Found Madison in the screenshot below),

3. In this case, we want to know Sessions/3000. Set the number Type to be a Percent (under Numeric).

Voila! You can now see the percent of your goal that you’ve reached! (We often rename the Google Analytics Sessions metric to “Visits” for the sake of clarity for our clients.)

If you want to create a bar graph, you can do that, too!

Create a new bar graph, select your metric, then click under that main metric > Add metric > Create Field and set your static goal.

In this case, we’re going for 3000.

If you want to see the percent toward your progress, create your metric like this (just like you did with the scorecard).

Try this for sessions, users, leads, revenue and more!

Don’t forget to sign up for our free Google Analytics and Data Studio Course here.

How a Gym Owner Pivoted During the Crisis to Retain 85% of Clients

May 7th, 2020 Posted by Local SEO 0 comments on “How a Gym Owner Pivoted During the Crisis to Retain 85% of Clients”

In this Zoom interview, Jared Markiewicz from Functional Integrated Training discussed how he and his team pivoted their brick and mortar gym to online offerings and retained an incredible 85% of their clients.

Marketing in Uncertain Times

March 24th, 2020 Posted by Digital Marketing 0 comments on “Marketing in Uncertain Times”

What on earth is a marketer to do with all the changes that are coming at us daily in the current crisis?

In short, we provide value where we can and pivot when we need to.

Here’s a video I made about this. Hope it’s helpful.

Ready to learn more?

You can sign up for my March 26 webinar here.

Your Productivity: How to Seriously Double It

March 11th, 2020 Posted by Productivity 0 comments on “Your Productivity: How to Seriously Double It”

Wondering how to be more productive on your computer and at work in general?

Here’s the actual productivity program we at our digital marketing agency use as a company to win competitively.

I’ve been told by my team and some clients that I should share it, so here it is.

There may be some things in this guide that surprise you, from the broader strategies to the detailed computer productivity tactics.

I hope you get as much value out of these tricks and strategies as I have and continue to.

I strongly believe it’s very doable to double your productivity if you’re strategic and focused.

In some cases, tools can help get you there. In others, you’ll need to change how you structure and use your time.

Why This is Important

One of your major advantages as a worker and as an organization needs to be how much better you organize and use your time than your peers and similar organizations.


Announcing Digital Marketing Mastery 3.0!

March 2nd, 2020 Posted by Marketing Training 0 comments on “Announcing Digital Marketing Mastery 3.0!”

We’re kicking off the third version of our annual digital marketing training course for local marketers.

You can sign up on Eventbrite for the free kickoff here.

(Not in town or can’t make Wednesday morning? Check out the webinar here instead.)

How We Turned $391.88 in Ads into $5,942 in sales (for a 1,516% return)

February 5th, 2020 Posted by Facebook Ads 0 comments on “How We Turned $391.88 in Ads into $5,942 in sales (for a 1,516% return)”

Here’s Facebook Ads case study from Splendid Beast Pet Paintings.

We ran a Q4 campaign where we spent $391.88 on Facebook Ads and made $5,942 in sales for a 15.16x Return on Ad Spend (or ROAS).

You can see the results below from our Facebook Ads Manager.


Online Marketing Boot Camp Starts this Thursday!

December 3rd, 2019 Posted by Marketing Training 0 comments on “Online Marketing Boot Camp Starts this Thursday!”

Ready to make more sales next year? Working on your marketing plan for 2020?


Because this Thursday I’m going to be teaching everything I know about how to get more business from online marketing (see the syllabus here).

All you have to do is email me by end of day this Wednesday if you’d like to join the all-day Boot Camp on Thursday.

I’m condensing down a full year’s curriculum from my Digital Marketing Mastery course into just two days: Thursday, Dec 5, 2019 and Thursday, Jan 9, 2020.

At a high level, here’s what you’ll learn if you join us at Lift Consulting’s office on Yellowstone Dr. in Madison, WI:

  • How to create buyer personas and write effective copy to sell via any channel (including offline)
  • Where to find your prospective customers and how to reach them online (search engines, social media, email and video)
  • How to measure the results of all your marketing and double-down on any channel with a positive return on investment (ROI!)

That’s the whole game. When you can acquire customers in a profitable way, you have everything you need to grow your business. Period.

Here’s what’s included with the Boot Camp:

  • 2 Days of In-Person Instruction in Madison (see syllabus here)
  • Lifetime access to over 16.5 hours of step-by-step videos of me showing you how to implement the strategies
  • Monthly Virtual Office Hours in 2020 for you to ask any questions or get advice
  • A printable online workbook to create your own marketing strategy and plan for growth in 2020

When you hire a marketing team or agency to set your strategy and implement it for you, it can cost you $60,000-$100,000+ easily. But when you’re willing to learn and work hard to implement new skills and strategies, you can SAVE BIG.

Plus, these are some of the most valuable skills of the 21st century and they’re not going away.

Here’s the cost of this Boot Camp and how you get in:

  • $1,000
  • Just email Eagan by Wednesday with this information:
    • what you absolutely must learn to make this worth it for you and your organization
    • to whom I should email the invoice
    • any questions you have

Can’t make the in-person training but still want the online course, office hours and strategy planning workbook?

  • Still email me
  • The cost is $500 and I’ll grant you access to the online course right away

Here’s what previous students of mine have said about my Digital Marketing Mastery course on which this Boot Camp is based:

“Whether you are new to digital marketing, wanting to expand your knowledge or simply understand what your digital marketing team does and learn how to improve on it, Eagan’s class will allow you to learn and grow your digital marketing skills. Eagan is an awesome teacher and provides plenty of materials and tools to help you understand the material both inside and outside of the classroom.

Personally, my skills expanded further than I thought they would. Having taken marketing classes in college I knew the fundame

ntals of marketing but none of the current digital marketing strategies that are essential for companies to be competitive. I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn or strengthen their digital marketing skills to help grow their co

mpany’s digital presence.”

-Robin Lawson, SullivanBUILD



“It was a very useful overview to all that digital marketing has to offer in bite-size chunks I could digest and understand. As Marketing Director, I’m not going to have to be expert in any of the areas, but I certainly feel I have enough knowledge to integrate FIT’s vision into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.”

-Annalise Simsek, Functional Integrated Training


“The in-person format was the best part of the learning for me. I am more committed in that scene and I like to learn when it is interactive. One of my clients is now creating a new web site because of this course and I’ve also become the creative online director for another company.”

-Shawn Smith, Shawn Smith Marketing







Watch this video below of Elise Chan from Powderkeg Web Design


Email me now to claim your spot! We have limited seats available.

Hope to see you on Thursday at Lift Consulting!
