Posts in SEO

The Role of Google Analytics 4 in SEO Strategy and Measurement

December 19th, 2023 Posted by Google Analytics, SEO 0 comments on “The Role of Google Analytics 4 in SEO Strategy and Measurement”

Imagine navigating the high seas of digital marketing without a compass.

That’s where Google Analytics 4 (GA4) steps in, acting as your guiding star in the vast universe of SEO.

With its ability to unravel the intricacies of website traffic and user behavior, the role of Google Analytics 4 in SEO is akin to having a seasoned navigator at the helm of your digital strategy.

In this journey, we’ll discover how this powerful tool not only illuminates the path to enhanced visibility but also charts a course toward measurable success in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

Introduction to Google Analytics 4 and SEO

Brief Overview of Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4, the latest evolution in web analytics, offers a new way of understanding your website’s traffic.

With a focus on user-centric data and cross-platform tracking, GA4 provides a comprehensive view of the customer journey.

This tool is not just about counting visitors; it’s about understanding their experiences and interactions across your website and apps.

Imagine gaining insights into each user’s journey in a more integrated and intuitive way – that’s the power of GA4!

Event-Based Data Model: GA4’s shift to an event-based model allows for a more nuanced view of user interactions.

Each user interaction is captured as an event, providing a more detailed and holistic story of how users engage with your site. This depth of data is crucial for developing more effective SEO strategies.

Flexible and Customizable Reporting: GA4 offers enhanced report customization, adapting to the unique needs of your site.

With GA4, you can tailor reports using a wide range of dimensions and metrics, giving you the flexibility to focus on the data that matters most to your SEO efforts.

Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing

In the digital marketing universe, SEO is the sun around which all other strategies orbit. It’s the art and science of making your website attractive to search engines, and by extension, to your audience. Without SEO, your site is like a billboard in the desert – rarely seen and easily forgotten.

Visibility and Ranking: Climbing the search engine ladder.

SEO is your ticket to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s about making your site the first thing people see when they search for your products or services.

User Experience Optimization: Happy visitors make happy customers.

SEO is not just about pleasing search engines. It’s about providing a seamless and enjoyable experience for your visitors. The better the user experience, the higher the chances of conversion.

Check out our podcast episode on effective SEO blogging for eCommerce.

Setting Up Google Analytics for SEO

Setting up Google Analytics 4 is like installing an advanced analytics suite for your website.

GA4’s setup process is streamlined and user-friendly, making it accessible for both beginners and seasoned marketers.

Defining and Setting Up Events in Google Analytics 4 for SEO Tracking

In GA4 events are providing flexibility in tracking conversions and user interactions.

Configuring Events for Key Interactions: Customize events to track specific user actions that are important for your SEO strategy.

Define and configure events that align with your key objectives, such as page views, form submissions, or e-commerce transactions.

Analyzing Event Data for SEO Insights: Use event data to gain a deeper understanding of how users interact with your site.

Regularly analyze your event data to understand user behavior patterns and adjust your SEO strategies accordingly.

Analyzing Traffic Sources

Picture your website as a bustling city airport.

Each visitor is a flight arriving from different parts of the world – or in this case, the internet.

GA4 lets you be the air traffic controller, giving you a bird’s-eye view of where these ‘flights’ originate.

This is where analyzing traffic sources becomes pivotal.

Each channel is like a different genre of story, telling you how visitors found your website.

Was it through the organic search ‘novel’, the social media ‘short story’, or the direct traffic ‘autobiography’?

Understanding these channels helps tailor your SEO and marketing strategies.

Google Analytics 4 Traffic Channel Groups

Each of these sources provides insights into different aspects of your online presence and helps tailor your SEO and marketing strategies accordingly.

We’ll explain why some of these are important for SEO:

  • Organic Search: This indicates visitors who found your site via search engines like Google or Bing. High numbers here suggest strong SEO.
  • Direct: Visitors who entered your website URL directly into their browser. This can imply brand awareness or returning visitors.
  • Referral: These are visitors who clicked on a link to your site from another site. It’s useful for understanding which external sites are driving traffic to yours.
  • Social: This shows traffic from social media platforms. It’s useful for gauging the impact of your social media marketing efforts.
  • Email: Visitors who came to your site via an email campaign link.
  • Paid Social: Traffic from paid search campaigns, like Google Ads.

Analyzing Channel Performance and Optimizing Marketing Campaigns

You don’t just want visitors; you want the right kind of visitors – the kind that engage, convert, and return. This is where analyzing channel performance comes in.

Performance Metrics: Bounce rates, session duration, and conversions per channel.

These metrics are like the vital signs of your website’s health.

They tell you which channels bring in the healthiest traffic and which ones need a little ‘medicine’ in the form of optimization.

And how do you tailor your approach to each channel?

It’s not one-size-fits-all. Each channel requires a unique strategy.

Maybe your social media visitors love visuals while your organic search visitors are more content-oriented.

Tailor your content and SEO strategies to suit these preferences.

Understanding the Impact of Keywords on Website Traffic and SEO

Keywords are not just words; they’re the bridges that connect your audience to your website. Understanding their impact is crucial for a robust SEO strategy.

Not all traffic is good traffic.

Just like not every visitor to a store buys something, not every website visitor is valuable. Assess the quality of traffic each keyword brings. Are they staying, engaging, browsing? Or just bouncing off?

Which keywords are your MVPs?

Some keywords are like secret weapons; they bring in visitors who convert.

Identifying these MVP (Most Valuable Player) keywords allows you to focus your efforts on terms that not only bring traffic but also drive conversions.

When it comes to keywords, this is the part where Google Search Console comes in handy. Combining these 2 tools is a must for anyone working with SEO.

Once you do that, you’ll be able to access the Queries report. To find this report select ReportsSearch ConsoleQueries.

GA4 Queries report

Here you can see via which queries users came to your posts.

Content Optimization Strategies

Techniques for Optimizing Website Content Using Google Analytics 4 Data

In the realm of content optimization, GA4 acts as your advanced analytical partner, offering deeper insights into user interactions. With GA4’s focus on event tracking and user engagement, you can fine-tune your content to resonate more effectively with your audience.

Utilize GA4’s event tracking to understand how users interact with your content.

Shift from traditional metrics to a more nuanced view of user engagement, analyzing events like scroll depth, video views, and file downloads to inform your content strategy.

Dive into detailed user behavior analytics with GA4.

GA4 provides a richer understanding of how users interact with your content, allowing for more precise adjustments to enhance user engagement and content effectiveness.

You can find this information in the Pages and screens tab in Engagement.

GA4 Pages and screens report

Analyzing Content Performance

Monitoring and adapting your content based on its performance is critical. Use GA4’s comprehensive analytics to evaluate content effectiveness and make data-driven improvements.

Leverage GA4’s detailed metrics to track content performance.

Beyond page views and time on page, explore more sophisticated metrics such as user engagement rate and conversion events related to specific content pieces.

Utilize GA4’s capabilities for A/B testing and content optimization.

Employ GA4’s analysis to perform A/B testing and make informed adjustments to your content, ensuring it aligns with user preferences and behaviors.

Audience Segmentation and Targeting

In GA4, audience segmentation becomes more dynamic and insightful, allowing for tailored content and marketing strategies.

You can find GA4 audiences under AdminAudiences.

Locating audiences in GA4

Leverage GA4’s ability to segment audiences based on a wide array of parameters, including user behavior, engagement patterns, and demographics, to create more targeted content.

Use GA4’s custom audience builder to create segments that reflect specific user behaviors and preferences, enabling more personalized marketing strategies.

After you’re done segmenting your audience, it’s time to target it and meet their expectations.

With GA4, adapt your content and marketing strategies to meet the unique needs of each audience segment.

Harness the power of GA4’s audience insights to create content that resonates with different segments, ensuring a more engaging and effective user experience.

Utilize GA4’s detailed audience data to inform your marketing campaigns, ensuring that your efforts are focused on the most receptive and relevant audiences.

Learn more about creating and using GA4 audiences.

Advanced Google Analytics 4 Features for SEO

Utilizing Advanced Features like Custom Segments and Multi-Channel Funnels

GA4 is not just a tool; it’s a Swiss Army knife packed with advanced features to elevate your SEO game. Features like custom segments and multi-channel funnels are like having a high-powered microscope to examine the intricacies of your traffic and conversions.

Custom Segments: Tailor your analysis to specific groups of users.

Create segments based on user behavior, demographics, or traffic sources. This allows you to analyze specific groups of your audience in detail, understanding their unique behavior and needs.

Multi-Channel Funnels: Understand the full path to conversion.

This feature is like tracing the full journey of a detective tracking a suspect. It shows you how different marketing channels work together to lead a user to convert, giving you a comprehensive view of your marketing effectiveness.

Integrating Google Analytics 4 with Other Tools for Enhanced SEO Insights

When you combine GA4 with other tools like Google Search Console or CRM software, it’s like forming a superhero team, each member bringing their unique powers to the table.

Google Search Console Integration: Get search-specific insights.

Linking GA4 with Google Search Console provides deeper insights into how your site appears in search results, helping you fine-tune your SEO strategy with precision.

CRM Integration: Connect user behavior with customer data.

By integrating with a CRM, you can connect the dots between website behavior and customer actions, offering invaluable insights into the customer journey from first click to final sale.


As we wrap up our exploration, it’s clear that Google Analytics is not just a tool; it’s a compass, guiding you through the ever-changing landscape of SEO.

It gives you the insights to navigate with confidence, ensuring that your website not only reaches its audience but also resonates with them.

Now it’s time for you to utilize Google Analytics for SEO.

To continue your learning, check out our podcast episode on eCommerce SEO and learn what works now!


Author name: Julian Juenemann

Author bio: Julian started and grew venture-backed startups with his unique ‘data first’ approach to Online Marketing. He then founded to help marketers like him, with the data-driven way of digital marketing.


5 Ways to Protect Your Websites from Google Algorithm Updates

January 4th, 2021 Posted by Google, Guest Blog, SEO 0 comments on “5 Ways to Protect Your Websites from Google Algorithm Updates”

Google is the “Gatekeeper to the Internet” and the one in charge of making sure that search results match the user’s query. It has developed several algorithm updates to ensure the quality of content that appears in search result pages.

The two algorithm updates that most people are familiar with are Panda and Penguin. These updates are designed to keep some of the lower quality websites from appearing in search results. If a website was previously penalized by a Google update, it could redeem itself if it had improved the quality of information being presented on the site.

Why Is There a Need to Monitor Sites for Quality?

There are a few people who have figured out ways to fool Google into ranking their websites higher and bringing them more traffic in the past. The problem is that the sites getting all this traffic were low-quality sites with thin content which is very frustrating and disappointing to the user.

For the past few years, Google has been working to improve the search engine and the quality of information it collects and presents to the searcher. User experience is very important and something that weighs heavily into customer satisfaction.


Use this email template to ask for Google Reviews

June 17th, 2020 Posted by Google, Local SEO, Reviews, SEO 0 comments on “Use this email template to ask for Google Reviews”
How can you get more Google reviews? It’s simple. You need to make asking for them a consistent part of your business processes
Customer talking about how happy they are with your product or service?
Ask them for a Google review.
Client been working with you for a while now and seeing great results?
Time to ask for that online review.
Done with a job and won’t see the customer again?
Ask them for a Google review!
It’s rare that someone will say no. And if you’re able to follow up with people, asking twice pretty much always does the trick. 

Why Google Reviews Matter

Reviews on your Google My Business page are almost certainly a ranking factor for Local SEO
Plus, social proof is a critical part of your marketing, so you want future prospects to hear from your current happy customers or clients. 
Wisconsin SEO map pack results plumber
Those stars next to your business name help you stand out and make searchers want to click on your listing. Just look at the example above for “plumber verona.” Which of the three would you click if your shower drain was backed up?


How can you get more Google reviews? It’s simple. You need to make asking for them a consistent part of your business processes
Customer talking about how happy they are with your product or service?
Ask them for a Google review.
Client been working with you for a while now and seeing great results?
Time to ask for that online review.
Done with a job and won’t see the customer again?
Ask them for a Google review!
It’s rare that someone will say no. And if you’re able to follow up with people, asking twice pretty much always does the trick. 

Why Google Reviews Matter

Reviews on your Google My Business page are almost certainly a ranking factor for Local SEO
Plus, social proof is a critical part of your marketing, so you want future prospects to hear from your current happy customers or clients. 
Wisconsin SEO map pack results plumber
Those stars next to your business name help you stand out and make searchers want to click on your listing. Just look at the example above for “plumber verona.” Which of the three would you click if your shower drain was backed up?


How to do SEO for your local business: The Local SEO Checklist

January 12th, 2019 Posted by Local SEO, SEO 0 comments on “How to do SEO for your local business: The Local SEO Checklist”

Note: Looking for an actionable Local SEO Checklist? Check out this video and blog post and our Google Sheet template linked at the bottom. 

“I know I need to work on SEO for my business’s website, but there’s so much to do and learn and I don’t know where to start.”

If that’s something you’ve said (or found yourself thinking), then this blog post is for you!

We want to de-mystify this arcane art of search engine optimization. We’re doing that by giving you a checklist-style guide to the main things you should be concerned about when it comes to SEO for your local business.

First off, here’s the big picture as a series of straightforward bullet points:

The Local SEO Checklist

  1. Find the keywords you want to target and rank for.
  2. Use your keywords for effective onsite optimization.
  3. Update your site to use SSL.
  4. Proactively work on link building.
  5. Get your Google My Business page up to date and ask for Google reviews.
  6. Create, post, and promote unique, high-quality, original content.
  7. Use website analytics to measure your results.
  8. Have a snappy and responsive mobile site that loads quickly.

Now we’ll take a look at each of these items, and explain how you can take practical steps to improve your business’s SEO.


keyword suggestions and volume from Ubersuggest

Free SEO Tools: How to Rank Higher Without Paying a Dime

November 15th, 2018 Posted by SEO 0 comments on “Free SEO Tools: How to Rank Higher Without Paying a Dime”

There are now some truly amazing free SEO tools that can get you very close to all the way toward ranking higher for targeted online searches.


Is it really possible to fully optimize for Google’s algorithm without paying for expensive SEO tools?

I would say yes. Now it is. And that’s awesome.

How to Optimize Your Existing Website for Search Engines

Once you’ve done your initial pass at optimizing your website for your target keyword phrases, you should monitor and work to improve your rankings over time.

As I often tell our team and our clients, the work of SEO never really ends.

We all need to remain vigilant to continue to reap the rewards of targeted search traffic from customers and clients who are looking online for exactly what we offer.

Here’s the process I follow when I’m optimizing my own pet portrait company’s website for Google search. While I love using fancy paid SEO tools like AhrefsSEMRush and Moz Pro, I can get pretty dang far using just the following free SEO tools:


website migration

Website Migration SEO: How To Redesign Your Website Without Losing SEO Traffic

June 9th, 2018 Posted by Local SEO, SEO 0 comments on “Website Migration SEO: How To Redesign Your Website Without Losing SEO Traffic”

Don’t neglect search engine optimization in the flurry of excitement around the launch of a redesigned website. Everything on the new site is fresh and up-to-date, and it looks slick as hell – but is that good or bad for your SEO?

It doesn’t have to be bad at all! We’ll explain how to maintain strong SEO and stay in Google’s good favor when you migrate to a newly updated website. It starts with knowing your old site and making sure nothing is lost or forgotten. Then we’ll tell you how to create redirects to avoid errors and confusion. Lastly, we’ll explain how you can make sure Google knows what you’re doing, so that the search engine will be friendly to your new site.


Madison WI SEO Keyword Research Plumber

Keyword Research: The first step for every page on your website

February 26th, 2018 Posted by SEO 0 comments on “Keyword Research: The first step for every page on your website”

Most business owners would avoid setting up shop to sell things people don’t want, yet they regularly plop content and pages on their website with hardly a thought for what their customers want. Keyword research should be your roadmap; let the search data guide how you create your website, from your regular pages to your blog posts. It’s now possible to know the demand for what you offer before you even create it!

Link building lego man

Link Building: The Most Important Part of SEO

March 5th, 2017 Posted by SEO, SEO Link Building, SEO Ranking Factors 0 comments on “Link Building: The Most Important Part of SEO”
We started ranking in the top 3 organic results on Google for “seo madison” after launching our website last July, and we believe links played a deciding role in this ranking.
Google Result page for "SEO Madison"


The paid SEO tool Ahrefs shows we’ve earned at least 184 backlinks.

SEO backlinks for Get Found Madison SEO agency

That number of links would probably be overkill for most local businesses, but we needed to be aggressive in our link building to compete with six pages of competitors who also do this professionally. We knew links would be important, so we took earning them seriously. If you want lots more visitors to your website, you should take links seriously, too.


What Do We Actually Know About Google’s Algorithm?

February 18th, 2017 Posted by Google, SEO, SEO Ranking Factors 0 comments on “What Do We Actually Know About Google’s Algorithm?”

How Google Works

If Google’s algorithm is proprietary, how do SEO professionals know what factors can help a business optimize for top rankings in the search results? There are a couple different ways.

We can:

Here’s a talk I recently gave at PechaKucha Madison on this subject. It’s a neat format, 20 slides in 20 seconds apiece, that forces you to be concise.



How to Grow Your Business Through Online Search

January 20th, 2017 Posted by AdWords, Local SEO, SEO 0 comments on “How to Grow Your Business Through Online Search”

Huge thanks to Wegner CPAs for hosting us at their Wake Up With Wegner event at the Sheraton on John Nolan Drive. We spoke on “How to Measurably Grow Your Business Through Online Search,” touching on pro tips, strategy and tactics for SEO, Google AdWords campaigns and Google Analytics set up and tracking.

Here’s a video re-recording in case you missed or would like to brush up.

Top Google AdWords tips for Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns


“Hair Salon Madison WI” SEO Google Page 1 Analysis

January 4th, 2017 Posted by Local SEO, SEO 0 comments on ““Hair Salon Madison WI” SEO Google Page 1 Analysis”

What does it take for a hair salon in Madison, WI to appear on the first page of Google?

We analyzed the top known local search engine optimization (SEO) factors to let the businesses currently ranking lower what it would take to earn a spot higher up on the first page.

Here’s an indication of the kind of monthly search volume a phrase like this gets according to Google’s keyword planner: 1300 per month! That’s real money every single month of the year for those who go after it.

monthly google searches for hair salons madison wi

Why page 1 matters and what it takes to get there in general

Here’s an overview video in which we discuss how ranking higher for popular search engine queries can grow your business. We also describe the top ranking factors SEO companies target to make gains.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Local Businesses – Slideshare

December 16th, 2016 Posted by Local SEO, SEO, SEO Ranking Factors 0 comments on “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Local Businesses – Slideshare”

Here’s the SlideShare presentation about local SEO we gave on Dec. 14 to SCORE in Madison.

Subscribe to stay up to date with what's new in digital marketing and SEO!

Cartman South Park Warning: Yelp Critic

Business Owners: How to Use Yelp Before Yelp Uses You

October 8th, 2016 Posted by Local SEO, SEO 0 comments on “Business Owners: How to Use Yelp Before Yelp Uses You”

UPDATE: Never ever ever buy Yelp ads!

Never ever buy Yelp Ads

Yelp is a ripoff Google Analytics comparison to Yelp data Google Analytics Yelp Referral traffic

ORIGINAL POST: We are constantly amazed at the animosity Yelp inspires among business owners we talk to. They frequently bring it up to us unprompted or fly into a mini-rage when we mention the “Y” word. Terms like “shakedown,” “scam” and “the devil” arise commonly enough that the company might want to take notice. (From the conversations we’ve had with Yelp, they don’t plan on changing anything.)

Once the curses have mostly passed, it’s then our unfortunate job as a Madison SEO company to tell businesses they should capitalize on Yelp anyway, however bad the blood. This doesn’t always go over well, and we’ve actually been told this is a non-starter: that the business has been burned so badly they don’t even want to deal with Yelp.

So what’s going on that business owners resent this top online business directory that is almost a search engine in its own right?


Downtown Madison, Wisconsin Metro stop sign

The Phases of Search Engine Optimization for a Local Business

September 26th, 2016 Posted by Local SEO, SEO, SEO Ranking Factors 0 comments on “The Phases of Search Engine Optimization for a Local Business”

Business owners often ask us what SEO entails. Despite the still-common belief, good SEO doesn’t consist of “manipulating” Google’s algorithm. To the contrary, ranking on the first page for your services is more a matter of following online marketing best practices and adhering to search engine guidelines and capitalizing on what we actually know about how Google works.

To rank well, you need:

  1. Keyword Research to anticipate how people search for your services
  2. Onsite Optimization built onto your website so Google and Bing start to associate those keywords with you
  3. Speed and Mobility so your website loads fast and works well on mobile devices
  4. Accurate business listing citations on the web’s top directories and data aggregators
  5. Lots of great reviews on your Google My Business listing
  6. Great, keyword-rich content posted regularly on your site
  7. Links from other sites showing you are trusted, authoritative, and valuable

Easy, right? Well, not exactly, but it at least helps to know what we’re up against when we want to be in the “modern phonebook” on page 1 of Google and Bing. The following describes how we break this all down in our recommended 6-month SEO projects.


Link to your Google Local page for reviews

September 18th, 2016 Posted by Google, Local SEO, SEO 0 comments on “Link to your Google Local page for reviews”

Why ask for Google reviews and how many should I have?

Five (UPDATE: Three) is the magic number when it comes to reviews on your Google Local or Google My Business (GMB) page. That’s because once you have 5 reviews, Google shows your star rating visually to potential customers on Google Maps and in the result page 3-pack. Something about seeing stars just makes a person want to click and check out that business.

SEO business ranking in Google

Not having those stars when other businesses do just makes it look like you’re lacking somehow. And you are, really, because you should regularly be using social proof (like testimonials and reviews) to sell to your future customers. Anybody can say their own company is great, but new customers are more likely to believe your past customers.

How do I get more reviews on Google?

So how do you encourage your customers to leave you reviews on Google? There’s no obvious link URL like there is for your main website.

Fortunately, someone has made it easy by creating a tool. Check out how it works in our YouTube video here.
